Festival 2024


Saturday 31 August 2024

Under the Banner of the

Old Kimboltonians’ Lodge No 7204, Kimbolton Castle, Kimbolton

The President of the Federation of School Lodges, Sir David Wootton PDGM and 2nd Grand Principal could not be present due to a prior family commitment but made a flying visit to Peterborough on August 27th to hand over the President’s Collaret and Gavel to the President Elect to RW Bro Mark Constant PGM. Mark is a member of the Old Kimboltonians’ Lodge and was elected FSL President at the Federation AGM. 

The AGM was attended by 110 Brethren from 30 School Lodge from across the UK 

In Sir David’s absence Mark Constant took presidents chair at the AGM Meeting held in the Lewis Hall at Kimbolton School.

The President was delighted to hand over the Travelling Gavel to Worshipful Brother Peter Tyldesley of the Old Wellinburians’ Lodge, The intention on the ‘Travelling Gavel’ is to encourage visiting between lodges in the Federation of School Lodges. 

At each annual festival of The Federation of School Lodges, the ‘Travelling Gavel’ will be awarded to the lodge, other than the host lodge and ‘Festival Gavel Lodge’, that has the most Brethren in attendance. 

Following the AGM and tea and coffee in Kimbolton Castle a lodge Meeting was held in the Chapel. 

During the meeting a talk entitled “Katharine of Aragon, A Woman of Dignity, Intelligence and Fortitude” was given by Andrew Bamford, the Curator of Kimbolton Castle with slides followed by questions and answers. It was a very informative talk covering many little know aspects of Katharine’s life and her time at Kimbolton Castle

Following the lodge meeting a formal dinner was held in the White Hall of the Castle.

The Worshipful Master Bob Turner taking wine with the President of the Federation of School Lodges, Mark Constant. 

The Worshipful Master Bob Turner taking wine with special guests Sam Venn, Development Director, Kimbolton School and Andrew Bamford, Curator of Kimbolton School. 

Special thanks were given to Martin Wilson who led the Old Kimboltonians’ team that put in so much personal time and work to make the event so successful.

Special thanks were also given to Claire from the School catering team for the fabulous meal and also to her for leading the team on her Wedding Anniversary! 

The President Mark Constant gave the Toast to Kimbolton School where he also covered his ambitions for the Federation and the common links between masonry, schools and Kimbolton School in particular. 

Sam Venn gave a reply on behalf of the School thanking the Federation and the Old Kimboltonians’ Lodge for it’s support of the School and the generous donations made over the years. 

Finally, the Chairman of the Federation of School Lodges Worshipful Brother Terry Hall presented Sam Venn a cheque for £500 with thanks for allowing the AGM to be held at the school.